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its not sensitive you just dogwater

u all trash just get better thats why u all crash


make so its more controlable also great game

Please change the turning speed and make it slower so its more controlable.

its cool but the turning is bad and when u get on the grass most of the time the car get stuck but good job 

(2 edits)

yo mathew its me (Anonymous Friend) from 2nd Period average game design, bro I wish I were in advanced but I have (Anonymous Class) in 7th period. Anyway, great job the car model is nice and there's some cool loops  but The car handling is messed up, Its just bad, I dont know how to describe it but also you could make it harder by adding obstacles BUT FIRST FIX THE HANDLING

I want this car model ngl

10/10 But change the turn speed because the car doesn't turn at all.

sudan (my game bettr0

give the car more  of a turning radius

I agree the controls are too sensitive but nice road and landscape

controls are too sensitive and a bit of a nightmare

Nice idea a little to bland like the car but also too much drifting and controls are way too sensitive.